Carmen in Blue

Carmen is Lottie's sister and best friend. I have known Carmen since 1977. We have been through so much together.

If it wasn't for Carmen, I don't think that Lottie would have been born.

Carmen has many faces and talents.

Carmen as Church Lady

She has been a Show director at several bars

from New Orleans to St. Pete.

Carmen's Promo

Carmen is one of the most professional entertainers around.

She will give just about anyone a chance to perform. It's hard to find a Queen that doesn't get into the typical BS that goes with the territory. Not Carmen!

She truly personifies PRIDE!

Carmen Showing her PRIDE!

As you can see Carmen has several personalities. You might say that she is a Schizophrenic Drag Queen! 

When I say personalities I mean just that.

When Carmen comes out...

Hortense Hunsacker from Hooker Mo. (Actually it's Carmen in a sicker mood.)

on stage, that is, ........

You'll never know what she will be wearing

and with each outfit there is a persona that goes with it!

Nola Bywater one of Carmen's personas


I want to take this time

to personally thank Carmen

Carmen looking pensive

for being my best friend and Sister!

To see more of Carmen and her personalities Click Here

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