Steven Dale Wright

August 3, 1954- October 31, 2007

     Steven was born on August 3, 1954. Which makes him a Leo. Steven and I were typical Brothers. We cornered the market on sibling rivalry. Fight? Us? Hell yes! We fought like cats and dogs. Mother and Daddy took us to a child psychologist to see if there was a reason why we fought so much. After about 6 months of sessions Mother got the Earth shattering news that we were brothers. Boy, were they pissed. LOL. If someone else picked a fight with one of us the other one was there to take up for them. Steven was always questioning how things worked. I don't know how many things he took apart to see how they worked. There were even some of them that he got back together and still worked.

Weren't we a couple of cute kids?

Click on the Thumbnails below for bigger pics.

Steven-at-2.jpg (112201 bytes)



     As you can see in most of the pictures of Steven, we are together. Even though we fought a lot we did get along also. We did a lot of things together. When we would go to camp it would be just Mother, Daddy, Steven and I most of the time. Funny thing, I can't remember us fighting that much when we were there. I will add more stories and pictures as time goes. 

     There was this one time that Mother and Daddy took a TV and antenna to camp for us (which couldn't get any stations). Steven and I had taken the box the antenna came in and used it to slide down the hill in front of the cabin. Mother and Daddy were off fishing. We heard a familiar sound. The rattle of a rattle snake. Steven got a pan full of worms and dirt and threw it on the snake. It only trapped the snake. I took a rock and was attempting to squash the snake, when all that I achieved in doing was tipping the pan over and releasing the snake. The snake left very quickly needless to say. When Mother and Daddy got back to camp and heard the story Mother said, "See I told you boys that you were mean. You're so mean that even a Rattlesnake wouldn't play with you!"

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